Thursday, February 27, 2020

In the Murkiness of pre-March Gray, Surround Yourself with the Funk of Friends Who Also Bring Pep to Their Step

The hump-day was successful, in that I got a lot accomplished, even though it didn't feel like I accomplished anything at all. I worked from home, got a run in, worked more from home, then headed to the office for afternoon meetings.

It drizzled all day. It could be worse. It could be ice and much, much colder.

When I arrived to my office there was a package - I knew exactly what it was. A book that will be released later this year that I've been waiting for since I heard it was coming out. Hint: Marvel. Hint Hint: Black Panther. Hint Hint Hint: Shuri. Final Hint: Nic Stone.

It was hard from me to sit in the meeting. I wanted to go home and start reading immediately. That's when I looked under the table and saw Dr. Nicole O'Brien's running shoes. They needed to meet my socks The dreariness of the day required the radiance of the electricity our foot-game created.


After the meeting, I went to the office to work some more, but I needed groceries and had to cook. I actually found an egg casserole online that came out really good. I will definitely make it again. 30-minute meals are everything.

Alas, it wasn't until 9 pm that I could curl up with the book. There were a few student teachers that needed their milky ways adjusted and universe realigned, and then there were the emails.

I seriously wish there was a job where I could live by the beach, publishers could send me books, and all I would have to do is lay out in the sun reading all day, coming in at night to write my reviews and thoughts.

Now that is a life I could live forever.

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