Friday, February 7, 2020

Yes! You Can Make Ganache with Vanilla Yogurt and Chocolate Chips. I Have The Proof.

First of all, I'm going to admit something. I got home last night at five and instead of going right back to work, I simply stared into space for like an hour trying process all the crazy in the world right now. Actually, I played mindless games, read for a bit, procrastinated by browsing the world's newspapers, and eventually cooking dinner. The stack of books that are calling my name are calling even louder.

But I need mindlessness. I texted a friend and said, 'Oh, how I wish there were like a year's worth of This Is Us episodes to catch up on. I simply need to veg into an alternative universe for a while.

I can't. And that's okay.

Because I also didn't want to go to the store yesterday morning to buy heavy cream to make a chocolate ganache for the faculty birthday cake I made for February. I had vanilla yogurt, however, and started thinking about heavy cream and consistency and 'sure enough,' I figured out a way to make a chocolate ganache that hardened quite nicely. It actually was good. I also sprinkled a crushed peanut butter cookie and crushed Reese's Peanut Butter cups on it for extra oomph.

This recipe may be the greatest lesson ever received from my friend Alice in Kentucky. It will go with me to my grave.

And we're heading towards the weekend, which turns out to be like my Monday and Tuesday, because that is when I power drive to get things done. I simply lost all ambition and enthusiasm for doing as I do when I got home yesterday.

My brain is fried.

So, I chose pleasure reading (which is always academic in disguise - I get to read YA novels), and playing with Glamis as my priorities. I see you, Calendar. I know what's ahead and I need to veg out where I can because #@$# about to get really crazy.

And the cake. Yum. I love when colleagues eat a slice and then cut another one for later in their office. Good for them.

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