Wednesday, October 7, 2020

With Thanks to @Othello88 and @KrisSealey for the Apples. I Put Them to Good Use in a Crisp (and Am a Better Man for It)

Was yesterday a Tuesday? I can't keep track, as these days are all blurring together in a Basquiat painting recreated by my favorite under-age-10 artist, Ishmael. I have no idea what is going on, but I know something is going on and I am participating...doing my best...hopeful. It's up for interpretation.

Actually, Kris and Dave brought over apples late last week (Dave took the boys apple picking) and sometime over the that week (I have no idea when), I baked the apples and put together two trays of apple crisp. Nothing says the Autumn months more than the flavor of nutmeg, apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, and a crunch crust. If I was a great friend, I would have made a tray for them (it was their apples after all), but I figured they were apple'd out and didn't want me to bother them - some friend I am).

Besides, I only wanted to walk over to their house with the hot-off-the-press copy of Jerry Craft's Class Act (and await the critical analysis of Isaiah).  It's about books...not about excessive Fall treats. Waiting on their sniff-report...the whole family wafts their reads.

Yesterday was also a bonanza of reading for me, and I realize in my adult life that I don't want to form an opinion until I hear the perspectives of others first. I know what I think, but I want to balance that with a variety of other thinkers....I'm not sure if that is objective or not. 

Meanwhile, first Apple Crisp of the season (perhaps the last) with a lounging Glamis in the background is my photo of the day. I would think this would be something that Glamis really would want to disturb me about. Nope. She slept. No interest in my gluttonous, evening dinner.

It's another hump-day, but I've given up deciphering the weeks. It's all the same to me. Humpday. Monday. Sunday? How do they differ these days.

And loved the Jerry Craft interview (and thoroughly enjoyed Class Act). Now, I await others to read it so I can have a conversation with them.

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