Sunday, April 12, 2020

Empty Plastic Eggs, Booze, & a Ham - Not the Typical Easter Ritual on Mt. Pleasant, but What It Shall Be

Let it be known that Crandall is a wimp, and when weighing a grocery run on Easter weekend, versus walking to his local liquor store, he chose safety. The thought of walking into a Big Y, Target, Walmart, or drugstore this weekend gave him the heeby-jeebies, so he avoided them. Earlier in the week, he did get a ham and that will be cooked. As for potatoes, vegetables, the traditional green bean casserole, etc. - well, it's just not happening this year.

Ever since my Cicero days on Eastman Road, the Easter holiday has come to me: I cook, I prepare, I hide the candy, I host, and I entertain.

This year, I found a bag of plastic eggs in the basement and told Edem and Chitunga the Easter Bunny got them a bottle each (and some mints I found in a cupboard).

Hippity hoppity hippity hoppity - drinkings on its way!

My elderly neighbor also requested I made my KY cake (always thankful to Alice for that recipe), which I shall do this afternoon.

And I post this morning late. Why? Chitunga and gave Schitt's Creek a shot last night and ended up binge watching until 1 a.m. - I then had a great, uninterrupted sleep until 8:30 a.m....that never happens.

Ah, but the text messages came and I got to Calendric right away. "It messes with my morning routine when there's not an a.m. post."

It messes with my routine, too, when I don't write before going to bed. But Schitt's Creek is really funny and we simply enjoyed the night my routine was interrupted, too.

HAPPY EASTER, 2020! Let's continue to be safe so we don't have to prolong this homestay any longer than we already are!

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