Saturday, April 11, 2020

Well, the To-Do List I Created for This Home Stay is Robust, and Yesterday, We Got to the First Item

There are only 99,999 more items left on the to-do list still to go.

Seriously, I was thinking with three of us home, we might tackle some of the items that have been irking me, including the fact that (a) Chitunga's ceiling fan was filthy and needed new light bulbs and (b) my ceiling fan was busted, because the chain for the fan came out and it was stuck on high which creates a hurricane in the room every time I turn the switch on. It is an indoor blizzard.

So, yesterday I got up and watched tutorials on how to fix this situation. Edem and I watched the tutorial at least 25 times - well, a part of it - because we couldn't figure out the spring so it would allow a three-click pull for level settings. Every time we thought we had it right, we'd put it together and it would pop out and we lost parts everywhere.

I was also in need of a ladder, because I have vaulted ceiling fans and my fan is way up. My ladder leans and there's nothing for it to lean, so I contacted my neighbor and she had one, but it was only 6 feet. I stood atop, but it was too wobbly for me. Edem, however, got up and could balance just right. Taking it down was easy...putting it back up, not so much.

Like all projects, it took 2 hours longer than anticipated. Cleaning Chitunga's ceiling fan and fixing lights wasn't as tough. When I went to the basement, turned the circuit breaker back on, and we got the fan to FINALLY stop blasting the room, I was very proud. I could have done it myself with a taller ladder, but I was not going to stand on the top....I'd fall. Edem, however, was a pro.

To celebrate, we got pizza later in the night - my first non-Crandall created meal in 4 weeks.

The rest of the day was grading, reviewing, planning, and organizing. Now that I'm practically living in my bedroom, I'm realizing it is the one space I've given the least amount of love to.

This will change as I start to think it's time to be an adult (you see the toys I have....all those stuffed animals given to me from Brown Schoolers so many years ago - it's childish). I also have clothes, sneakers, and hats that need to be given away. It's too much.

And I'm a knick-knack extraordinaire, who needs to part with all the little shit given to me within 24 years of teaching. It's time to purge the memories, as much as I hate to say that.

I am so glad to finally have light in my bedroom without everything blowing all over the place. Good times.

Feeling somewhat accomplished. 

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