Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Sometimes It's Just Too Beautiful and Coincidental to Make Up...You Just Have To Roll with It @bobbychiu

So I have this graduate student this semester, father's a tattoo artist, who is teaching English and karate and who, last night on ZOOM, bursts out, "Hey, I have that painting in my house."


Every week, I come up with a themed background for my classes and last night, I chose 'whales' and "Having a Whale of a Time as We Swim Towards the End of the Semester." Sometimes I stick with the same image, but last night I went for kid drawings of whales and portraits like this.....a kid dressed up at the beach like a whale (definitely a contender for next Halloween). It was random, and we all laughed thinking, "Really?"

I do this because I like to promote art, artists, and the creativity of kids. I find images online and weave together my themes, which is what happened with this whale one. I was particular to this one by Bobby Chiu, however.

She wouldn't show us the painting she said she had in her house, however, but promised to send a video later. I told her I wanted to hear her singing Nick Drake's Pink Moon in honor of last night's full moon to the painting, too. "I swear to God," she promised, thinking I didn't believe her. It's in our living room, but I don't want to walk you through my house right now."

10 minutes after class ended a video arrived of her showing us the painting. "It wasn't in the living room," she explained. "It was in my brother's room. My father loves collecting cool art."

Okay....random. How did this happen? Better yet, how is Crandall going to keep himself from finding Bobby Chiu's other artwork. Check out his artwork at Imaginism Studios.

Meanwhile, I get these two photos sent to me from the Sealey-Wooleys, saying, "Look who is throwing rubber chickens out in the backyard for his home-stay gym class? We're probably the only ones at his school who saw the rubber chicken option and went with that. We're actually playing toss the chicken in the backyard?"

There's a backstory, of course, which I wrote about briefly here. Kaitlyn Kelly bought a bunch of rubber chickens for rubber chicken music-making parties, but when that got old, she sent them all to my house on Mt. Pleasant. Having many in the house, I gave one to Dr. Kris Sealey to congratulation her on the Wall Award at Fairfield University. This, in turn, became part of the household and stuck on a shelf until TODAY.

Rubber Chicken RECREATION.

Now, I probably wouldn't give them all away if I knew I could turn it into a sport. Ah, what day. Art, games, coincidences.

The better times in life!

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