Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I'm Up for the Epidemic Haiku Challenge & Glad I Contributed, but Have a Few More (Because I'm Excessive)

Truth is, I sat at my upstairs desk from 8 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. yesterday before I realized, "Wait. I'm hungry. You probably should eat."

I was in a work flow, I guess, and at 7:45 p.m. when I saw the rain stopped I yelled to the boys, "One of you need to take Glamis for a walk. She's been whining at my feet for the last 30-minutes."

Edem stepped up, and then I learned I was summoned to meet a haiku challenge to capture Covid-19 home-stay in 17 syllables. Glamis came instantly to mind.

2nd floor scribbling
behind paned-glass & downpours, 
my dog wants outside.

I was unable to stick to just one. I used to assign my students epic haikus, which were 21 haikus on one subject. Anyone who knows me realizes I can't be brief. As Edem left with the dog I penned the next one. 

We are all gum-balls
trapped in personal snow-globes
awaiting quarters.

I want someone to insert 25 cents into Mt. Pleasant so I can go downstairs to find myself in a different world. 

Yesterday, I reviewed a 410-page manuscript and wrote editors my annotations, suggestions, and thoughts. Phew! Checked that off the list. I also conferenced one-on-one with most of my graduate students.

laboring on a keyboard
in hope I matter

flowing, theoretical
blueprints for the soul

But then I heard the refrigerator calling so ventured to hunt and gather dinner before bed:

Easter leftovers
green-bean casseroled with love
next to a ham-slice

garlic potatoes
washed down with bourbon rooted
in slick memories

Quarantined Crandall
could write poetry all day
but needs to pay bills.

A Jerry Spring world
fused with epidemic trash 
leading a nation

always a tale told
by idiotic morons
like me, B. R. C.

covering his mouth
to avoid the foolishness
of everyone else.

This too, ugh, shall pass...
a kidney stone for masses
needing toilet paper.

We need each other
like Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse ---
Saturday cartoons

Oh, Wall Street wishes
they could profit from such poems.
Wisdom, though, is free.

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