Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Signed, Sealed, Delivered...Well, It Already Was Mine. Driveway Sealed. Check. Large Garbage, Check. Porch? Today.

Edem started taking the large items out of the garage early in the morning, as the Town of Stratford is coming for large items. I asked him why he wasn't waiting until later and he said, "What if the driveway sealers come today?" I said, "Well, they haven't called."

And they didn't call. They just showed up. The driveway is now sealed. That happened yesterday.

And the funny think about the large item pile up at the front of the house is that within an hour, most of the junk was picked up. As I wrote, planned, and taught from my 2nd floor office, I couldn't believe the number of cars that stopped and took things (including an old, small VHS t.v., two faded and broken porch umbrellas, boxes, two pieces of furniture I was going to sand and paint (but decided I wouldn't since it's been 4 years), lamps, weedwhackers and lawn mowers that don't work, and even styrofoam.

Shoot, if I knew it would be that easy, I would have dragged them to the curb years ago. The point is, we can now park in the garage again. It is operable.

Then I get a text from the men who are replacing our upstairs windows and working on our front porch. "We're coming tomorrow morning." I told them about the mess and they responded, "That's okay. We'll just add to it."

Alrighty then. That's what they're doing right now. They started at 7 a.m. (sorry neighbors...I thought the birds were bad as the sun rose: hammers and drills are much, much worse).

I should also say that Chitunga and Edem spent several hours in the back gardening, planning, building a mini-shelter for our tomatoes and, most importantly, transported enormous boulders from one location to another - Connecticut is extremely rocky, which I would not have known if I didn't live here.

Okay, Tuesday, two radio shows, grading, and MORE WRITING.

I also should say that yesterday was a beautiful day for running, too.

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