Sunday, June 28, 2020

Slight Innovations on the Crandall Chair. Amazon, I'm Not Sure If You Are Friend or Foe


2014 or so, when Abu and Lossine were regular fixtures at Mt. Pleasant in the Summer, and we needed another chair for the rare occasion we all sat down to watch a movie. I stopped at Pier One on the way home from work and said, "Let's go to the back and see what they have on clearance." We all saw it at the same time...a $45 corner chair. The humor was that it was from the Crandall collection so we bought it right away.

Soon the Crandall chair became my go-to place for reading, coffee, writing, and thinking. Alas, the odd shaped cushions started to loss the shape and eventually it was like sitting up against dust. What did I want for $45?

Frustrated, I tried to find pillows in the measurement of the chair, but that was impossible unless I wanted them custom made for 10 times what I paid for the chair. So, I divided the measurements by 4 and said, I can easily get thick throw pillows.

Wola! $16 bucks for 4. Well, except for the fact that when they came, there were no pillows. I only ordered casings. So, I went back online and found 4 pillows for a similar price. They arrived yesterday and when Edem and I opened them up, we were like, "How are these pillows?" They were vacuumed so airtight, they seemed like communion wafers. Ah, but it was fun, because once we opened the bags, they went 'poof' and then filled the pillow casings nicely.

This is all to say that the Crandall chair has new fixings. Something tells me the chair will end on the porch when it is finished, because I already can tell it will look good with the pine floor.

It's the small things in life...and I should say that I woke up yesterday morning with one of Crandall's stress-induced sinus migraines and thought I was going to die. I know that they are always a sign that it's time to slow down. It's impossible to keep these sprinting days going.

Well, they should be settling some. I only have two more research papers left to grade, and our literacy labs will only be 2 hours a day, as opposed to 6 (sans a teacher institute, too). Phew. No clue how I'd have the energy for all that again this summer. I can slow down in July, even as the work continues.

But how about them pillows (no, Lossine. No drool for you)?

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