Monday, June 22, 2020

There's Not Too Many Who Can Pull Me Away from My Computer...But It Was Father's Day

I got in a groove about 7 a.m. Sunday morning and only grunted at Chitunga as he awoke earlier than usual and departed for a while. I knew he was hunting for fire pits, but with this a busy weekend and all I didn't know if he would find any. He returned by noon and said, "Come on, Dad. I'm taking you to lunch."

I made a face which he responded, "I hate when you do that. It's annoying."

It was my Crandall crooked-lip face. I made it because going out to lunch was not part of my agenda for the day. I said, "Let's make a deal. I need to go for a run, then cool off. Why don't we get take-out at 3?" He thought it was a good idea, and then took off again. At 2, I g0t a text saying, "I'm picking you up. Be ready."

I responded, "We said 3. I hadn't even showered yet," but jumped in.

Then, we went to Pam's to have a mini-picnic, which turned into drinks, which turned into ice-cream at Scoopy-Doos with Bev and Leo.  At 9, I returned home to work on my writing projects (and made headway).

Tunga also said, "I ordered a fire pit and it won't be here until later this week." I knew that was what he was up to, and I love him for it. I know how excited I get when I'm doing something for him; today, that was in reverse. I love spending a day with him...and know he called in sick so he could spend a day at home. His sleep pattern is all off because of the overnight shift, so I know today was extra hard.

But I appreciate him, and he made the day more wonderful than I planned. He actually pulled me away from my desk. I am grateful for that, as I am for the son that he is. Phew.

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