Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Yesterday's Bed-Head and Today's Tuesday. Welcome to Who-Ville and Productivity

Covid-19 head will not get old. I love waking up to see what shape and contortions my hair will be in (and I've begun to play a game as if the hair was a cumulus cloud - I see a lovebird flying towards a collapsing wave).

That's my usual smile for the day, and then I catch up on the news, head back to work, and realize there's a lot of "ugh" out there right now.  Edem and I picked up a dresser to keep towels and sheets in (fits nicely in the laundry room - thankful to Pam), and learned of the craziness that has been going on in Connecticut beaches. Sort of spring break meets frustrated teens and twenty-somethings who've had it with everything and are using social media to congregate with overnight bonfires...except the beaches are closed off except to local residents, and the teens are parking in the neighborhoods and walking down. There are signs in all the lawns saying don't park here.

A brawl kicked out on Friday, one that became viral rather quickly, and then on Saturday, kids were found passed out in their puke, some bleeding, left behind by friends in lawns and on driveways. Meanwhile the beach looks like a garbage dump, as they aren't taking their party supplies home with them. It's a pot-smoking, booze fest of nakedness...including rubber gloves, surgical masks, and condoms.

...exactly what is appealing to our species at that age...Oh, to be young...

And the kids are obstinate, full of cuss words, and astutely anti-authority. That's typical. I hated that phase when I was there, and I've hated it long since. I get the fact that youth need places to go and don't want to be contained at home with their parents, but the photos and videos being posted should want every parent saying, 'Um....just go out back and play checkers, honey. You'll be much better off."

As I said to Pam when she showed the videos, "That's pretty disgusting." Normally, the beach is beautiful and people who go are stewards to the sand. That is not the way of this trend, though. Yikes. I guess they're all throwing themselves one heck of a graduation party without adults - kids congregating from all over the state. Fascinating. 18-year old girls showcasing thongs and boys flexing beer muscles. Beach party, 2020 - everyone walking around doing selfies in their phones and uploading to Instagram.

These times. These times, I tell you.

Great 4-hour class yesterday, and today a day of grading, writing, grant-editing, and article-reviewing. Funny, I'd love to go for a walk at the beach, but maybe not.

In my senior year of college I flew down to Florida to do what seniors do, and my friends and I lasted 20-minutes before we decided we enjoyed one another's company way too much to be surrounded by the foolishness and idiots. We left the beach and found our own adventures, and had a blast.

Yuck. Humans. The evolved species. Yep.

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