Tuesday, August 4, 2020

And The Nation's Worst Occupation Right Now Must Be...All Shouts to the Trumbull Dental Arts Clinic

Chitunga took my dental appointment earlier this summer, so I took his when it came up in August. Truth be told, I can't imagine working in anyone's mouth during this Covid-19 stuff, but they assured me they've been cautious and in people's mouths much longer than Covid, which then led to the science and whether the dental people think that we should just ride it out, see 300,000 Americans' die, and then adjust, or if we should be cautious.

100% of the dental team said they are not sending their kids back to school.

So, it's a gamble, is it? I gambled by going to have my teeth cleaned, and yes...this is a guy who hasn't eaten out or socialized much since March. I keep trying to read the science and to figure the mathematics. If it is only 1%, it's like Russian roulette - and I'm writing this already knowing more cases and tragic results than I care to mention.

Ugh. This thing could be so much worse, and yet it is still bad enough. I just want to be able to visit my parents with no doubt that I'm clean. That's all I ask.

By the way, they took my temperature 4 times and it continually read 95 degrees. They took their own and it read 98.6. I was like, "What can I say? I'm cool like that." Actually, I'm always hot-headed and hot-blooded so I have not idea why I registered so low.

But bless the dental employees. That is one job I would not want to have ever, let along during seasons where viruses and bacterias are haywire. They did great, and I was a good trooper. We just need this thing to disappear. It's time (says the impatient American who has other things he'd rather be doing).

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