Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Because a Coastal Storm That Downs Trees and Wires is a Perfect Day to Re-Paint a Bedroom

We knew we were going to be inside all day, so it did seem like a perfect day to redo Chitunga's room. It's the first paint job done on Mt. Pleasant, because I've liked the clean paint look where every room in the house was painted the same (plus I'm color-stupid and don't want to ruin the fresh look). Not any longer...we managed to get the cathedral ceilings, which called for borrowing our neighbor's ladder and Chitunga's room revised.

I was in my room when Chitunga started, and was working with Jessica and William in Ubuntu Academy. When the winds picked up, I simply loved watching the trees rock back and seeing Dorothy, Toto, and a few tumbleweeds rolling down the street.

Then the winds really picked up and I started getting reports of down trees everywhere. I had an afternoon Academic Council meeting and was online and ready, when we lost Internet, and the University apparently went without power. When Chitunga and I  drove around Stratford, we were amazed at how many trees were down, roads were closed, and hot wires were flailing in the streets.

We've had a few coastal storms in Connecticut, even hurricanes, but none of them had winds like this. It reminded me of the Syracuse Labor Day storm back in the day. Just chaos everywhere. Today is a day of absolute clean-up for most of the State.

I haven't caught the news to see how bad it was everywhere else, but rumors are it was rather intense.

I can say, though, Chitunga's room is almost finished. He picked the colors and seems very pleased, although I think the labor it took was a bit more intense than he surmised. It looks good; I'm inspired to start thinking about the rest of the house, too. I need Cynde, however, to bring her color palette and aesthetics to help me.

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