Monday, May 25, 2020

Finally Gave In and Said, "Edem. Get Your Clippers. You're Playing Barbershop Today." Bzzzzz

I have this thing about hair on my neck, and when it gets poof-y over my ears, I grow more antsy. I am white all the way on my temples, the back of my head, and into my beard. The top, long enough for a hipster mini-bun, however, is still dark brown. I planned on just letting it go until all of this crazy ends, but I'm not sure the crazy is going to end for some time.

Clippers out. Beautiful day. Post-run, and he was on his way. Edem cuts his own hair, and has done a good job with Chitunga's so I said, "Go for it." You can tell from my face that I wasn't so sure about what he was actually accomplishing.

I managed to stay away from my laptop for the majority of the day. My goal was to write, but realized I've been lap-topping my life away 14 hours every day, and I wanted it to go without my finger tapping for at least one. I grabbed books, did an oil change on the Subaru, got meat for the week and coffee, and picked up a couple of perennials (at the grocery store of all places). I decided to spend the beautiful day outside. I succeeded.

When Chitunga asked, "Vietnam Palace for dinner?" I was stoked. A great way to finish off a weekend.

The hair looks good from the front, and that's what counts most, especially via ZOOM. From the back, well, that's where you can insert a LOL Emoji - so funny it is crying tears. It is pretty humorous and Edem tried. It will be interesting to see where this hair thing goes over time...and look at that. Think I got some sunlight today reading from the Adirondack chairs out back.

Ah, but it's Monday...I am heading into a paced existence because I need to tie the bow on two writing projects before my research course begins in June. That means I need to sit still, concentrate, and simply get them done. In the meantime, the CWP crowd is slowly rolling in, which is making me happy. We're not charging as much this year, so breaking even will be a little tougher, especially if I hire the same number of teachers. We'll figure that out.

In the meantime, I'm licking my lips and enjoying the flavors of last evening's meal. Perfect suggestion. For my friends who are local, there is nothing like Vietnam's the Vietnam Kitchen of Connecticut. Perfection.

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