Friday, May 8, 2020

TGIF & Thankful to the Great Whatever for the Best Teachers #thankateacher #WriteNow #NWP

So, it's Friday, and this work-a-holic was tripped up by the other work-a-holic on Thursday at 5:30. He came to my bedroom and started talking - the heavy and good stuff - and then I said, "Let's just take it outside, wanna?"

He did. We have been pulling materials together for a fire, so we decided to start one. He has one more final - cheated out of a Masters degree celebration, and I have a shit-load of items to grade. But, he wanted a father-son night, so that's what we had. We burned all the wood we could find, talked for real, for real, and acknowledged the distraction is probably a good thing for both of us.

I know for a fact that he doesn't let loose enough; I know that's been the critique of me throughout my entire life.

Edem came out to join us, and Debbie, our teaching-neighbor asked if she could join, and the next thing I knew we were 6 feet apart and loving the pit. Debbie's dog, Bucky, and Glamis had a field day. We sat outside until the embers faded away.

It's interesting, too. The amaryllis Chitunga and I got when we were renting on Nichols Avenue never bloomed until the day before we moved into Mt. Pleasant. When Chitunga was home, it bloomed every year on the anniversary when we bought the house. When he went to Syracuse for school, it stopped blooming, but I kept watering, because I have a lot of plants. Lo and behold, he's home again, earlier than expected because of Covid-19, and look what I noticed when I went inside to replenish our beers. Another blooming...two flowers to represent home.

And mom's Mother's Day flowers arrived, which she loves. I never sent such flowers because I think it is a waste of money, but in desperate times, you do what you can (and should). Of course, the product that arrived to her is not nearly as close to what I ordered, but there was a vague resemblance - the vase was purple, for instance, and there were flowers.

I griped a bit about the cost (Jesus) and she said, "I don't care how much you spent. I've always loved getting flowers."

That's what matters most.

I'm glad she got Mother's Day flowers and I'm touched that the amaryllis decided to bloom again on Mt. Pleasant on a night when Chitunga successfully distracted me from working. We also knew that this weekend is a wash, so a good fire was perfect  - a great distraction for the dampness and wetness to come.

And, I'm proud to say, today marks the first day in a long time where I don't have back-to-back ZOOM calls scheduled. I'm rejoicing every second of this fact.

Yep, National Teacher Appreciation Week, and I don't appreciate anything as much as what I learn from kids...including my own. Everything was put into perspective over a couple of beers, flame, and good company.

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