Monday, May 11, 2020

Hard to Believe It Has Been 7 Years, But Still Channeling Your Humor, Support, Friendship, and Zest for Life

Yesterday was Mother's Day, but it also happened to fall on Lois's anniversary, too...7 years to the day. I made the executive choice to hold off my celebration for after the day of Moms, just because I thought it was the right thing to do. I am still shaking my head about that departure, the weekend to follow, and the scramble to fill the shoes you left behind for all of us.

Talking to Pam last night, she said, "You sound like Patty Ann. She said the same thing. Lois left before this crazy and she wouldn't be a big fan of everything that has happened on this Earth since she departed."

Lois was humor, she was festivity, she was happiness, she was laughter, and she was joy for family. There'd be little tolerance for the lying, hatred, and vindictiveness that has become the everyday, today. I'm channeling the better days in memory of her.

What a true pleasure of a human being to know: pro-animal, pro-togetherness, pro-optimism, and pro-love. A little Lois-love should be bottled and sprinkled onto our nation right now.

It's Monday. I will always think back to 2013, when everything happened so quickly...Pam's calling my house, going to the hospital, running between my house and hers, and then helping to figure out what should come next.

So much has come next, and sadly she wasn't here to experience it. And then there was more next, and more next, and more next. So much happens in 7 years.

Last night, I did a quarantine salute to Lois with her sister and traveled to Milford to tip my glass. I believe this will be the way I do things every May 10, whether or not it falls on Mother's Day or not. It is an occasion to trigger end-of-the-semester, pre-summer truths and one I can never forget.

Look over us, Lois. Bring puppy love to the most calloused-hearted and help them to be less selfish, hateful, spiteful, and lost. Bring them your laughter. I can only hope you have such power. 

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