Saturday, May 9, 2020

This is My Office View from My Office, But in my Home Office from Home - Covid Reality

Like the majority of academics right now, I'm glued to my chair, my desk, my screens, and my files trying to wrap up a crazy semester and grade final projects that need to be graded. After a week of not being able to get to the work, I started this morning...

...Alas, I learned that the building where CWP is will be refurbished this summer, so we are given until next week to get what we needed before they box everything up and take it away (Good Lord. I feel back for the person who gets the CWP office - it is a whare-house of books, school supplies, t-shirts, hats, awards, beach pails, and paraphernalia used for workshops, events, festivals, and professional development. I went in to rescue the monitor but realized the CWP wouldn't fit the Apple Mac Pro's fittings, so I snuck into my office to grab the external monitor there. I brought it home (it was pouring, mind you) and began grading once again.

I love how the monitor changes photos every minute and when this one came up with the view from my office window, I simply looked out my window and said, "Well, isn't this surreal?"

I miss my frog. I miss my office view, too. I have memorized the everything from the 2nd floor of my house, where I look out from home as I work. Yes, I remain in sweats from the waist down, and occasionally dress-up from the waist up. But other than when I'm running, this pretty much sums up my view and what I'm doing.

And I will be doing it again today. It's Saturday, it will be cold, but I need to tackle the grades for my other classes. It will be a long, drawn-out day with little to no funk or pizazz. Such is the weekend life, as it blurs in with all the other days.

At least the monitor sparked me to clean up the home desk a little. Since I also brought home a few more bags of books, I also brought a book case from the garage that was going to be sent away back into the house. I thought getting rid of a book case would keep me from holding books, but when I came home with books I wanted from the CWP office for summer, I realized I needed a space to store them. I am neglecting you throughout all of this. It's time to to bring you to the forefront.

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