Friday, May 22, 2020

Looking Forward to Every Second of Today, But Phew! I Am Exhausted. It's Friday and I Need a Mental Break.

The good thing is that I have goals. The more realistic thing is that my goal are somewhat excessive and unrealistic. I try my best to meet my goals, but then the reality of clocks set in. I fail. I don't get there. I feel guilty. I set new goals. Repeat.

I have to be content with what I'm able to do.

This morning, is a meeting, followed by a meeting, followed by a meeting, followed by a recording with two of my favorite people: Matt de la Peña and Dr. Tracey Flores. I can't wait to record this show, The Write Time, and to hear what they have to say when in the company of one another.

I also need to get food for the house. We rode into Thursday night with little issue, but starting tomorrow, we're going to be hurting. All that is left is Edem's hot pepper soup-shit that nearly put Chitunga and I into a coma.

I'm also looking forward to this afternoon, when I can present Chitunga with two of his graduation gifts (the ones made from my heart), the one's I've been working on for a few weeks now. I suppose it will be anti-climatic, because hours of work went into minutes of production. We shall see.
It still sucks that he wasn't able to walk. It angers me, actually.

But it is Friday, Fridaaaaaaay and we should be celebrating. I'm not one to draw a line and say, "Hey. Take a break. Chill for a second. Relax."

But I am ready. I am so, so ready.

I need to stare off into space for a while, to read a few boos, to have someone wash my yacht and cook my dinners, and to be out on wide-open waters for a while.

And I need you NOT to wake me up from this fantasy.

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