Monday, November 16, 2020

Before the Tropical Winds and Rain, There Was Sun: Both Glamis and the Plants Took Notice (So Did I)

It's been a crazy 24 hours in the Crandall, Isgar, Barnwell world with worry, hope, prayers, and appreciation to health care workers everywhere (and to Cynde for being a saint, savior, and super human). A slurry of phone calls, texts, research, and patience seemed to keep a could-of-been crazier day from going overboard with crazy, none of us need more crazy in 2020.

Glamis and I got our five-mile walk in, and later in the afternoon, as it started to drizzle, I went for another 4 miles walk to clear my mind. Also great to hear from my Uncle Milford and my Aunt Bobbie, and to talk to Karen Perra once again. I've been asked to be a prayer warrior for others, but yesterday I called on others to do the same for us. 

And I made mashed potatoes. I told Chitunga I'm nerve-cooking. Don't need to eat them, just needed to occupy my brain, as I knew I wasn't going to read any of my books, nor be able to write. I just had to think and do more research. 

These next several months are going to be trying for everyone, as nature is testing our societies to their core. Be safe, wear masks, resist gatherings, and be smart. 

Meanwhile, the books I've been waiting for have not arrived and I think I know why. They were delivered to the University, instead. Ugh. I've been beyond green with my envy of other ALAN participants and thinking, "Did I not sign up for my first ALAN conference?"

I did. It's just that NCTE/ALAN only has my business address for it's a business conference. Ugh. I hope I can get my books this week!

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