Sunday, November 15, 2020

Was About To Name Yesterday, Saturday, a Total Bust, But I Did Accomplish a Few Things (with Prayers Up)

The sun was out and major goal was to get a good hike in with the dog, which I did. I also wanted to winterize the outside, as the weather is going deep this week with a high in the 30s on Wednesday. No more need for patio furniture or umbrellas, so I spent a few hours loading items into the shed and covering items from getting bit by the snow. And I started the day with my favorite large mug, an uncle one, from my niece (although she claims she never gave it to me). 

Meanwhile, Cynde proved her superpower as an older sister and assisted my mother to the ER with a fever, pain, and swelling in her legs. Because it hasn't broken over several days, my mother (who has been resisting) decided it was best. Of course, with Covid-19 and normal Syracuse crazy, all the hospitals are loaded, so they sat for 7 hours before she was admitted. She then sent Cynde home. 

And then there's Butch having to take care of himself on Amalfi Drive. Obviously, my mind is on Central New York this morning, and hoping for the best. I'm also wondering if I should head north and simply do work on my parents' internet. I can't imagine dad doing well with more than one night with my mother out of the house.

Chitunga went out for a beer and I stayed home to write student recommendations and to aimlessly stroll for articles that might help me make sense of the world (including the fact that I can no longer upload pictures to Blogger via my internet browser. I have to go into other browsers to add pictures, which is simply dumb). Of course, I'm always relieved to learn others are having the same problem, but it does become a WTF moment because it was fine for the last 12 years.

The rain returns today, as does my need to list out what can be accomplished given all the circumstances. I found myself staring off into space a lot yesterday, simply to think and hope. That's all I'm good at, any way.

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