Friday, November 20, 2020

It's Only Been a Day, But I'm Absolutely Thumbs Up & Thrilled by the 2020 @ncte Annual Convention (Online)

I am sure I am missing something, as networking, gathering, conversations, dinners, drinking, meetings, and introductions are all a part of the NCTE Annual Meeting, but the entire online format works. I find the areas that interest me, I put them on the big screen of my t.v., and I multi-task by writing, taking notes, and checking resources provided. I even let my dog out without needing to get a sitter. 

For people who aren't as connected with others from all the previous years, I'm not sure if this is the same from home, but I will say, I do think there is an imperative to offer both in-person and digital presentations. That may need to be an undertaking by a post-Covid Convention Center consortium (to offer in-person and live-casting presentations) but it is equitable, affordable, and healthier in these times. 

I'm 100% finger-snapping at the professionalism, ease-of-navigation, and line-up for this digital conference. Over the next three days (5 days with ALAN) my schedule is filled to capacity. I love so much of this and I'm able to view everything from home (no hotel, airline, or taxi expense). I usually pay for 12-16 teachers to come with me for our presentations (huge savings this year).

Maybe the economical structure of what we've been doing for a couple of decades might be reconsidered given the availability of modern technology. YES, I'd much rather see everyone in person, but I'm totally groovy with not being out of my home for weeks on end to travel to conferences across the country. I love it, of course, but this year has helped me to think more critically about the teachers who have never had access to such an experience. It is not cheap.

If our aim is to be a professional organization for teachers, then maybe more needs to be invested in the digital spaces made possible for more of us in 2020. It's a lot to think about, but I've always been a both/and sort of guy, rather than an either/or.

Trevor Noah and Detra Price (BRILLIANT). Both were unbelievable. 

I can't wait for a 2nd day. Even Glamis the Wonder Dog took an interest....

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