Monday, November 30, 2020

I'm in Syracuse Again. Pile of Photos Left on My Bed Including This One. Relieving Cynde From Duty. Pretty Sure this was from Her House.

First of all, special shout outs to Binghamton who has, after 26 years, finally finished its highway construction plans. For the first time in forever, there was no construction, delays, orange barrels, or misery. I was like, "Really, Binghamton? You are finished?" I actually drove through the town flawlessly. I kept wondering, "Where's the catch?"

The 4.5 hours were really smooth and I continued to listen to David Sedaris's Best-Of essays. He writer between obnoxious, hilarious, poignant, touching, deep, and disturbing. I meant to listen to one essay, then move to another book, but there's something about his work that is engaging. The time flew.

I arrived to Syracuse in the afternoon, startled the sleeping parents, sparked an energy of my father who suddenly resurrected to pick up sticks, greet the neighbors, and want to mow the law...that is before he realized he was exhausted and started complaining, "I'm too old for this," and went back upstairs to sleep.

I tried to make open face turkey sandwiches for them, with candied carrots and potatoes, but dad grew impatient, and simply wanted a butter-on-bread, turkey spread with butter, butter on bread sandwich. He didn't wait for dinner. I couldn't stop him and he ate the whole thing - The Butter with a Hint of Turkey- which it was reported was the first time in weeks he took effort to feed himself. That's good.

And in the pile of photos on my bed included this one - one I have no idea about, but I'm guessing had to be around 2006 when I shaved my head for St. Baldrick's. Definitely Cynde's deck, but no clue what is going on in the photo (nor what prompted it). It must have been a Mike dare or something.

Anyway, I'm home in 'Cuse and here to help out where I can. In true Syracuse fashion, it will rain for the next week, have miserable winds, and possibly snow.

Woot Woot. 

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