Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dear Diary, On the 8th Day of My Quarantine I Discovered That Toilet Paper Rolls Can Turn People Into the Moon and I Am Happy

Dear Diary,

I've been quarantined for 9 days now, and on the 8th day inside, I read online that one can take selfies through a toilet paper roll and it will create moons in various phases. It also has different lighting, allowing for a variety of moons to be created.

For those wondering what I am talking about, you can visit the following YouTube Link: How to Take a Selfie Through a Toilet Paper Tube and Pretend You're a Moon.
It is a marvelous tutorial that will help anyone needing further direction of how to recreate this phenomenon. I sent the challenge out to my friends and several sent me their moon-selfies, which I then matched to a moon poem or song.

It was a spectacular way to waste a vast majority of Saturday, when I knew I should be writing and finishing a project, as well as grading. This, however, had to be put off as I explored this wonderful new art form that, previously, I was ignorant too. This is a wonderful, do--it-yourself home activity for all parents needing something to do as they school their kids at home.

I am more than delighted by the results, and am awaiting many more toilet-paper-roll selfies to come, so I can continue this procrastinating hobby as I sit at home.

Meanwhile, it probably should be known that I bought a couple bottles of Josh, Cabernet Sauvignon, to go with the cuban beans and rice dinner I made last night. I drank a few glasses after I discovered how much fun it was to incite others to send me moon-selfies from their toilet paper rolls. Moons. Wine. Poetry. A perfect Saturday blend for an epidemic.

Please share this post with others. I know I am not the only one who will find serenity, calm, beauty, and hope through the art of taking selfies through a toilet paper roll.

I'm no Anne Frank, but I'm logging my daily thoughts in hopes that one day they will be of help to others who are in a similar situation.

This is simply a gorgeous way to occupy the mind for some time.

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