Thursday, March 12, 2020

Good Intentions Turn to Bad Intentions, Then Dinner, Then Regrets, But Such Is the Way It Goes in Crandall Land

During shop-a-geddon yesterday (which proved fruitless for anything we went for....besides bananas and tangerines), I said to Edem, "Look, Oreos are only $1.99. Grab some."

In my thinking, he could snack on these for the week, and that would be that. But, nervous-eating Crandall realized how good they taste for a pre-bed snack and there went that idea. Actually, in anticipation that everything would shut down in the northeast (which it basically is doing), I wanted to have items to have around. I didn't think I'd get into them on day one. I simply said, "Shit, if we all have to work from home for a while, I need to get these cookies out of the house as soon as possible, so I don't eat them all."

So, I ate them all. Defeated the cause. Reverse psychology failure to the nth degree.

Meanwhile, as predicted, everything is shutting down. The K-12 schools went first as more and more cases are suspected in our area. The University was slower than others...even making the call after the NCAA and WGI shenanigans of Spring. High School sports were called off a week ago.

Me? I've been following virus readings ever since I met Mary Lineberry at the Brown (BROWN) in Louisville, Kentucky. I know little about them, but pretend I know more than I do. I've been following this for a long while as a denier. What's the big deal? Why the hype? Ah, media. But then I've begun to see how quickly it spreads and develops. I trust doctors, scientists, researchers, and experts more than I do arm-chair experts, political wind bags (on both sides), and any or all who go on the news preaching drama.

I don't go to doctors often. But I trust them. Better safe than sorry. I know we can make this work.

That is, if I don't buy more Oreos for the house. That needs to stop.

But, dang. They are so good.

Meanwhile, I was with 12,000 kids and 4,000 teachers over two days last weekend (fingers are crossed not one of them was a carrier. It's too difficult to know).

So, I am self-quarantined. And I still have Magnum Bars. 

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