Sunday, March 1, 2020

Not Giving Up - Day Two of the Intellectual Grind. I Will Get This Grading Done. I Will Get This Grading Done

I have no right to complain. Once upon a time it was 120+ students, with 6 hours of teaching a day. Grading was impossible, never ending, and a banshee that haunted my every second of my every moment of my life (especially during portfolio season). Now, I simply wait until the weekends, as I peruse assignments formatively to assess each week as we head towards midterm and final projects.

Even so, it is agonizing, especially when I mis-pace how long it will take. That's what happened yesterday. After 12 hours of going at it, I welcomed an invitation to hang out with Kris and Dave. His chili and cornbread were out of this world. So delicious.  The grading had to wait until this morning. I got up to go back at will be this way all day. I must finish, because I also have to get both classes planned this afternoon/evening. If I don't, I'm screwed. There isn't a single second Monday or Tuesday to work on the evening classes. If it isn't finished today, I will have to make up everything on the fly in front of the students.

I must, I must, I must finish the instruction tonight (I also have PD I'm doing on Wednesday, so need to get to that, too).

It will be another day to grind, although I am heading to campus to celebrate the seniors who will be playing their last home game. It will be the last game in alumni hall, too, before they knock it down and rebuild it. The game is the same time Louisville plays. Will be a cellphone kind of respect I'm showing the Stags.

Alas, the rain above is not real. That will come later this week, but I wanted to show the weekend struggle is real. Those are actually tears that any or all of us have to return to work tomorrow. I'm all about 4 day weeks and 3 day weekend rotations. We're all much healthier when we can have at least one day to child out. Two days don't cut it.

It's coming in as a lamb today, no?

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