Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Definitely Cuckoo for Coco-Puffs. And I'm Trying To Keep the TV and Social Media at Bay. Still. Boy...

My intentions were for a different day. Then the emails came. It turns out that emails my colleagues and I should have gotten over the last few weeks were never forwarded to us (that is not our concern, but for the powers that be to figure out what went wrong).

In short. Things are cuckoo.

Greenwich canceled PD for this week, and all over the U.S. things are strange. I was thinking the coronavirus was a little bit extreme, but as more and more data presents itself, I'm learning that the drastic decisions being made are actually relevant and, cough cough, might be necessary.

But then my fear kicks in. We were amongst 12,000 kids on Saturday and although only 3 cases have presented themselves in Dallas, there is a slight chance that the materials were in the audience at the conference. For 6 to 14 days, the virus remains dormant, so that would mean we wouldn't show signs until Friday. Meanwhile, all we've been in contact in would be exposed, too.

I'm very doubtful we are infected, but this is how it all works. It's simply mind-blowing. I've been wondering all day how so many are making so many decisions so quickly. I guess it is because they've seen the numbers and predictions.

I try not to read. I don't want to know. I go to science journals...then I begin biting my nails.

This too shall pass, and I promise not to hang out with old people.

Meanwhile, I sat at home yesterday reading two YA novels (one a memoir). I'm sort of freaked out by the coincidences (ha, coincidences) and now need to reflect on what I'm supposed to do with them.

The time will come. Everything evolves at exactly the right time, and I have a responsibility to that.

Cuckoo day, indeed, and I'm sure there are many more to come.

Will be interesting to see what another 24 hours reveals. 

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