Sunday, March 15, 2020

The First Pandemic Picnic Party via Zoom Occurred Last Night (A 3-State Endeavor). I'm Sure More Are To Come

I knew they would happen, just not on Day Two of the national shutdown. Pam texted and said Kaitlyn was bored and wanted to know if we could meet via Zoom. I sent texts to my mom and varying friends around the nation and we hosted a gathering for a few hours: talking, listening to music, having drinks, and singing.

It worked. I think I might do another one, but invite anyone who wants to gather to say hi. I joked that it might be the only way we'll ever be able to see one another again.

This, of course, occurred after a morning of training people how to use Zoom, organizing for classes this week, and running to OSJL to get coffee. By the way, they apparently had toilet paper at OSJL, because people were cheering in line, bragging about their rolls. We even watched one couple leave, only to throw the toilet paper into their mini-van, which was loaded with a lifetime supply of toilet paper. This really is fanaticism and a cult. People are obsessing over wiping and being stocked up to do so.

I also did something yesterday I never do. I napped for two hours. My brain couldn't take the research any more and I thought, "Dang it, Crandall. Nothing is going to be the same for quite a while and you might as well give in and relax for a change."

So, I did.

I fell asleep and it was wonderful. Yes, the guilt remains with me, but I don't care because the snooze felt wonderful. Too much of this (if not all) is out of my control.

And now it is time for the a.m. updates (which are likely to get trickier and trickier as time goes on). I wonder how people dealt with the plague before technology...well, I know Shakespeare took advantage of the time and stayed indoors to write. Perhaps we should be doing the same.

Stay safe out there. 

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