Thursday, March 26, 2020

It's the Neighborly Thing To Do - So Is Walking a Few More Miles and Running Longer, Too

She yells over the fence, "My mother is totally paranoid. She won't let me leave the house because she's afraid I'll come home with the virus."

I'm standing on my back patio and we're a good 25 feet apart. "And she ordered groceries online, but they're backed up two weeks. We don't even have eggs."

Well, I have has eggs, because that is one thing I did find when I went to the store last week before they started price gauging. I bought several cartons. "Hey, I can spare some for your home. My treat."

Nice trade-off, too.

This afternoon, there was a plate of her mother's cookies awaiting. We knew because Glamis was barking her head off.

Yesterday, I also signed up to be community support for individuals trapped in their homes, signing up for the pet division, where I can get groceries for the elderly and treats for their pets. There's no contact, except for daily phone calls to check in and talk. It costs nothing. It's just an opportunity to be there.

Meanwhile, I had cubed steaks in the freezer and thawed them, and decided to try a Butch-concoction of steak on an onion bagel layered with egg, mushrooms, spinach, peppers, and cheese. It was absolutely delicious, and enough so that I didn't get into the cookies. Edem did, though, and said they were sweet, until he dipped them in tea, then they were perfect.

I checked on the twins who are going to go crazy without having their outside soccer matches, but they are stranded in CNY until April 15th, too - if not longer (which is their prediction). They were eating fish, so I imagine someone must have dropped off food. They can eat, but I'm not used to them cooking. I can imagine them dwindling away into nothing, eating one grain of rice at a time (that, they know how to make).

We've also discovered Josh Cabernet which is a nice way to unwind from the laptop each night, as we look for something to watch and not make us paranoid (which usually means we turn off the t.v. and simply talk).

Glamis is mastering her whine, too, and knows many pitches to do from varying angles in the house pretending she's hungry and wants more food, even though she's not getting any. As we sit on our laptops, she lays by our feet talking to us as it's all about her. She doesn't shut up. Perhaps she's telling us to get out of her @#$#@ house.

Actually, it is about her. The NBC bit they aired the other night about pets being the salvation in most homes right now is 100% correct. She and I walked forever yesterday, dropping off books at the homes where I know friends have teenagers. My house is loaded with them, so I might as well share. She's my excuse for getting outdoors. She's the reason I have to vacuum regularly. She's the reminder that we all can use more water.

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