Sunday, January 5, 2020

Bagged It! Tagged It! Gave to the Person I Love! Well, Got Groceries, Anyway. Thankful to the New Bags.

Word was out that Connecticut grocery stores no longer provide the plastic bags to carry out groceries from the store. Instead, patrons must bring their own  (and I'm hearing my mother's holiday comment about self-check outs, "Where's my pay stub for doing the work of employees?").

In my holiday loot I received several grocery bags, including a sachet of bags from my older sister, Cynderballz - which are wonderfully large and easy to store.

I actually got groceries a few days ago, but chose to post about this today.

Why? Well, in between University service and editing a piece for publication, I got side-tracked with a call for another piece of writing, and haven't really been that proficient on the Homefront. Although groceries were put away, I didn't cook until last night, reminding me that I took this photo.

The Bills blew it. I watched them on mute as I worked.

And worked.

And worked. I am getting through the volumes of work needing to kick off the 2020 semester, but how can it be day 5 already? This week has been a blur of reading, reading, writing, reading, writing, reading, reading and reading.

The pesky syllabi await in the wings.

Human contact is at its minimum. It's Crandall versus due dates, expectations, and words - always words. What a wonderful career I'm fortunate to be part of.

Okay, Sunday. Your office chair awaits you, knowing that you can't afford to take weekends off. It's a good thing it is comfortable (and Canisius keeps the heat on while everyone is away).

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