Sunday, January 12, 2020

Been An Interesting Week Of Knowing Life Happened, But Having to Tell Myself Nothing Happened

How else do you spend a week of confidentiality, but with a book set to be published in 2021 that you're unable to tell anyone about.

That's my life. "Crandall. We want you to read this text and give the author feedback, but you can't let anyone know you have this work or talk to anyone about it."

Um, okay.

And they sent it to me in Word document for feedback. That's how I spent my Saturday.

It's good...real good, but I can't write about it, talk about it, or think about it until it is released. They didn't say anything about hinting and tiptoeing around the fact that I read it, however.

How is that for a teaser? Seriously...I love that my life has become this, but I think it's a bigger test of my loquaciousness. The Great Whatever is trying to see what I can compartmentalize and what will cause me to go over the edge with excitement.

What they don't know is that I am a talker, yes, but I've been good my whole life at keeping my mouth shut when I have to. It isn't that difficult. I like to talk and laugh and share and humor and be friendly, but I am loyal when asked.

This book is going to the back burner. I gave my feedback and now I will move on until it is released. I can't wait for it, and my planning has already begun. Until then, shhhh.

Why? Because Glamis is sleeping comfortably upon the couch. She gave up on me because I wouldn't tell her a thing.

She can wait, too. 

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