Friday, January 10, 2020

Because It Is Friday, Do I Have The Right To Join My Friend Jennifer, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Yesterday, my friend Jen who does similar work as me in Georgia, but is far superior and way ahead in achievements, posted a photo of a sidewalk that actually ended. She was out for a 2-mile run, but the runway disappeared. I laughed, and made this image, to allude to Shel Silverstein's work of the same title.

Don't push me cuz I'm close to the edge,
I'm trying not to lose my head.

I'm trying not to be on the edge. I've maintained myself through a challenging week and I'm thrilled - 120% of the way - for everything that this week just was. Still, with exhaustion, another day ahead, and with anticipation of this weekend (to catch up for a week given to service) has me wondering if the cliff will collapse.

Ha. Yes, the Sidewalk Ends. I'm faithful, I'll find a path to take.

In the meantime, I can say that I'm not sure I've every had professional development, insight, human understanding, and curiosity about all experienced this past week. It's an intersection of psychology, the arts, writing, politics, biology, rhetoric, communication, religion, medicine and philosophy. It definitely is a window into humanity and just when you think you understand logic, reason, truth and normal, a whole branch of illogical and curiosity introduces itself to you.

You just shake your head and try to make sense, because everyone surrounding you is trying to do the same. The goal, always, is to be objective, but being objective through the lens of everyone else's subjectivity and the strange and somewhat alarming misrepresentation of others, makes you stop in your place and think, "Okay. This is the new reality for today. I get it now. But what do I do with this knowledge?"

The sidewalk doesn't end. There's always more to the journey and that is where I'm going with my end of the work week into, well, my work weekend (I need to catch up all I lost this past week).

Phew. I entered the week thinking one way. I'm leaving it understanding a whole universe of seeing the grandiose complexity of everything with new lenses and insights.

I'm guessing this is a good thing.

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