Friday, January 24, 2020

Mr. Bargain Hunter Strikes Again. This Time, He Takes DSW By Storm with Coupons and Clearance Racks

I've needed new boots for a few years. Chitunga and I got the same Carolinas a while ago, but his stayed together. Mine fell apart (the glue on the soles wouldn't last, no matter how many brands I tried to use to repair them) (and no, I didn't try Elmer's). Eventually, I said, "Forget about it," and spent two years shoveling the snow in in sneakers.

Have you been boot shopping lately? They are practically a car payment, where Timberland owns all the franchise rights to winter warmth and can get away with prices that are absolutely ridiculous.

Anyways, DSW sent me a $20 coupon, then a $10, then an online $10, and a birthday $5, and I found these in my size on clearance from $175 to $160, with a 50% off tag, plus my coupons...I got them for $60.

Then the scarf - who would pay $60? - was also on clearance and I got mine for like $4. Win Win Win.

I now welcome the snow. My neck has color and my feet will be warm.

And it looks like a lengthy day at the University today, beginning at 8 a.m. - time to set the alarm once again. If all works out, that work will be over by noon; if not, I'm throwing in the towel for sure, for sure. I'm exhausted.

There's reading to be done. I rarely choose the same books semester to semester and offering new ones keeps me honest with the profession and helps me to grow, ya know? Next week is the University's MLK week, too, so there's non-stop commitment to programs and events (and I need to prepare and be ready for them all).

Okay, I'm going to take Friday by the horns, then hunker under a blanket for the weekend getting everything ready for next week. Looking ahead at the calendar, there just isn't going to be a break for some time.

We got this. In new boots, too. And a scarf. Cheap bastard.

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