Saturday, January 4, 2020

Woke Up Looking Like One of The Who-Ville Teens, but Donned Me Now My Syracuse Apparel and Headed to the Streets. Love 45 Degree Runs

Prioritizing my running routine needs to be front and center in 2020. In 2019, too often the crazy schedule got in the way and I found myself walking the dog as a trade-off to a 5k jaunt. I felt guilty that she was cooped up all day without any exercise, and I prioritized her over my own need to move.

A walk is good and all, but I like to walk AFTER I run.

So, I got up yesterday morning and wrote. When my brain couldn't handle any more, I ran...then I walked the dog. That was, before I went to the office to write some more.

I made progress. I wrote several recommendations, too, in addition to the final edits that needed to occur. I am transitioning to conference proposals and service reviews, but I'm feeling good that the last 48 hours were productive.

Love, too, that my outfit all came together as absolute Syracuse. It's always fun to fun in alma mater attire - rare for Connecticut to see the blue and orange, and on my U of L days, forget about it. I'm sure I'm the only alumni in the region (actually, I should look into that - the proximity to NYC has promise their are other CARDS in the area).

And here's a shout out to the rain day that wasn't a rain day - there was a Niagara Falls mist, but it felt good for the morning run. With no winds, it felt more like running in late March / early April than January. I'm sure the more hectic temperatures and icy roads are coming.

As for The Who-Ville hair. Well? The evidence is in the photo. I love waking up with such style. I inherited my mother's hair, so I know whatever shape it wants to go that it what it will be. It's pin straight and aims to head in the direction of the Heat Miser. I'm okay with that.

Now, for Saturday, I have goals: (1) the holiday stuff will be taken away, even though I read we should keep it up until January 6th, (2) I will do my time at the University preparing for the week ahead, (3) I want to go on a purge of items my house no longer needs - including the fact that in the dining room at this moment are 8 pairs of sneakers from yesteryear that I wore only to match an outfit, and not to run, (4) inspired by my mother and dad's fridge, I want to check labels and get rid of outdated items, (5) more running and another walk, (6) PUT THE LAUNDRY AWAY, (7) gigantic ugh - work on the syllabi for the semester (insert tears here) and (8) you have proposal deadlines, Crandall...people are counting on you.

It hit me while running that this May, I will have experienced as much time away from my Kentucky days as I spent living there. It's hard to believe how quickly time flies by. Still, I'm grateful for every second I spent there, and even more appreciative of the life that has come my way since I departed.

Leap and the net will appear.

I'm thanking Tina for that magnet.

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