Friday, January 17, 2020

The Older I Get, The More I Look Like a Cabbage Patch Doll. Decreasing Temperatures? No Prob. Great Evening to Run

I didn't make it home from the office in time to run in daylight, although I got up at 7 a.m. and immediately dressed to run outdoors. I had to go into work, however, to welcome the 6th edition of POW! and since labels needed to be mailed, mailers created and announcements promoted, I was stuck in the CWP office until late.

Funny, too, because in one day we had 4 inquiries about this summer's programs. Let's keep the momentum going.

I got home around 5:30 and said to Edem, "I will likely freeze and be back in 4 minutes, but I'm going to try to run 6 miles."

Funny thing is that as soon as I got outside, I knew it was going to be a great run. I've been running in the morning, but I used to run only at night. I'm good in the dark, especially when I'm familiar with the trail, although twice cars almost hit me. I think I may need to wear reflectors. That's my fault.

Chitunga comes home for an appointment this morning, and I'm looking forward to spending time with him. He will probably have a 1,001 arrangements made, but I'm hoping he will be like, "Let's go to the Sitting Duck and just chill out over a burger." With a questionable Saturday, weather-wise, however, Friday my be the only play time he can get with his friends.

Scratch that. My friends and I had no problem going out in storms. In fact, my 20th birthday was in a blizzard of '92. There were no cars on the street because you couldn't move, but my friends and I still trekked to find one another's house. I wiped out, too, and smashed up my knee (and this was trying to get to the party...before any partying occur).

Shoot. Don't wish that into the world.

I'm hoping to get POW! mailed out to the 200+ writers from the summer. And, colleagues and I signed an article over to Wiley today. I'm looking forward to that piece coming out.

I really do love running in the cold (before the ice comes). I know I have to move indoors soon, but I will take advantage of an outdoor life any chance I can get.

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