Saturday, July 11, 2020

Crandall is Skeptical, Slow, and Meticulous. But When He Jumps In, He's All In - The Potato Salad Success Story

Another week of Literacy Labs - Success! Another episode of THE WRITE TIME taped - Success! Laundry folded and put away, then the thought, "Hmmm. I should attempt to make a potato salad."

It's long in the coming. I loved potato salad but never tried to make one. I think it's because my mom said we were genetically incapable of a successful potato salad because that Ripley gene wasn't handed to went to the cousins.

Walking downstairs, however, and seeing Tunga eating a butter sandwich made me feel guilt that I didn't have any thing cooked for today. It's hard to keep up with three meals a day with three of us home, especially since he's on a different schedule and eats dinner when I am waking up for breakfast.

Anyway, last week, Pam made potato salad and I said, "I want you to teach me how to do it." She gave me her secrets, but then I read several hints and suggestions online, figuring out what I could use and not use (I admit I hate celery and the thought of chopped pickles didn't float my boat and I excluded them both - although I think I know why the pickles would be good).

The result? I was scared to death to try it. I did use dill, carrots, red onions, a garlic clove....and I also left the skin on. My secret ingredient was chives, because I love them, and I did find one recipe that called for them.

Delicious. I was doing the Rocky victory dance around the house, because my mom had me believing I would fail. "It's one salad I never could master."

First try, and I mastered it. So good to have in the evening (and now I wished I cooked that rib-eye, too).

And this is how I'm entering the monsoon weekend. Winds. Possible tornados. Rain. But a good potato salad, too. 

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