Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Okay, @bookdealerSusan - When Do We Schedule the Intervention? Happy Birthday, Sean-Man. It's Tuesday

I should start this post with a Trigger-warning. If you are frantically always trying to keep the universe's vastness in its place and work tirelessly to be sure dishes don't accumulate in the sink, then Dr. Susan James' desktop is not for you.

Cover you eyes. Do what your therapist says. Inhale. Exhale. Count to ten. Look the other way.


Last night, as Susan and I were thinking out loud about projects, ideas, institutes, supporting teachers and other writing projects she says, "I need to show you something. Don't get mad at me. I need you to see my desktop."

Don't do. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Ahhhhhh. She did it.
And I knew it would be my morning post.
I've seen others like this.
I do my best to hinder this from happening on my laptop.
It comes from time to time and...
...as she said...
"Frog, I was only working on one project. Would you look at this mess?"

I totally get it. Now clean it up so you can feng shui the soul and get ready for the next project. Phew.
This image is such a metaphor of what National Writing Project Directors do. In one photo, Susan has captured the essence of who we are.

Meanwhile, here's an oldie but goodie of birthday boy Sean-Man. Your card is on the dining room table and it will be in the mail (but late) (all apologies). You're much older now, but I always loved this photo of you...It was like a window into the future, imagining what you might look like as a teenager when you were just a little kid wearing my Syracuse Orange wide-brimmed hat.

Blink of an eye, high school, the 9th grade year, and you're catching me in height (surpassing your mother, which isn't that hard to do).

I hope you have the best celebration possible, you get the cake you want and your favorite ice-cream. Trust me. The next four years of your life are going to fly super-fast, as will all the years to follow. Stay focused...keep the grades up, and know the prizes are many...you just have to be patient for them to come.

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