Sunday, July 26, 2020

Where's the Blog? It's Naan of Your Business? A Little Naansense Now & Then, Relished by the Wisest Men

Ms. Walnut Beach will now perform how to get the camel through the eye of a needle, followed by the swimsuit edition.

Nope. No water, but with the heat, we all should be in water.

Pam called to see if I could help her find an umbrella stand as hers went wobbly from a rusted support tube, and she wasn't able to find a replacement anywhere. Knowing I wanted to spend 24 hours away from my laptop, I agreed to chauffeur, and talked her into going to an Indian grocery store in Orange so I could get naan bread (which she said looked like the ribbons they where in beauty pageants).

We found naan, but no umbrella stands.

I'm still trying to wipe the grocery store's butcher session from memory, however...our markets tend not to hang our animals in the air...pretty traumatizing.

And the temperatures climbed and climbed and climbed. This will be the case until Tuesday, and Monday (phew), I might sizzle up into a poof of perspiration.

As for the umbrella stand, Oona's son, Shaun, visiting from the Bronx, and I went to town on the rusty shaft and managed to get it off the stand. We cleaned all parts and he put some oil from his car on the rusted nuts, which then were reassemble into the stand. Wola! That did the trick. It was wobbly because the nuts couldn't be twisted as tight as they needed to be.

Then I retired home to read, pant, and look out the windows like it was being taken over by heat monsters. There's not much that can be accomplished on such days.

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