Thursday, July 16, 2020

Endless Stories of Frog Hope...That Seems to Be the Summer Mantra from the Desk Upstairs

True story: the office chair in my house isofficially falling apart from so much use. Yes, the fake leather is peeling off from the cushion and I personally feel assaulted that it is rejecting the fact that my @#$ is in it so much. It sticks to me, it sticks to the dog, it flutters on the floor, and that spray-tanned faux chic is pretty much everywhere.

What's a guy to do? This is how everything is rolling right now.

Yesterday, however, was actually a fabulous day, but I'm a little too whipped to recall all of it right now because there's an entirely new day to be lived today. We had a phenomenal guest come to novel writing with her puppet, improvisational skills, and clever teaching (it was so phenomenal)...more on that later (promise)

We also had a PLC TLC (professional learning community: tender, loving, care meeting) for CWP teachers. So many need to talk and process right now.
There's a need to be proactive, supportive, forward-thinking, optimistic, and strategic.

As I went downstairs to cook dinner for the boys, however, I looked over at a coffee mug that needs to be washed (thanks Rose) and a glass that was somewhat filled with water, and there was my writing frog looking at me. I had to smile. These are my desk-friends, my trinkets, each and every day: H20, Java, and a ribbit-ing writing companion. It's an endless story, and that story (in Texas) was the last time the world was semi-normal. It was a beautiful extended weekend with authors, teachers, visionaries, and great company.

I shouldn't announce this here, but there's another truth that needs to be told at the end of this post and that is, "I actually see a light at the end of the tunnel." This Friday, so many of the summer projects that are extra to the CWP work - the publish or perish projects - are finally going forward with the SEND button. I'm looking at the weekend like, "Hey, Baby. What's your sign? Want to fool around?"

It's been something, and I'm loving every second of it.

It is more of something when projects are finalized (well, for now)

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