Sunday, September 13, 2020

Pierogies, Parental Units, & the Bility Pair (Well, Twins) on Amalfi Drive. All Good. All Love.

Crazy Crandall slept until 8:30 a.m. yesterday, when Abu texted they were heading over for coffee. We visited for a while, Abu, Lossine, my dad, and my mom, catching up, laughing, updating one another, and taking advantage of a great day. Phew. 26 years old now. Where has the time gone? When can we get past this Covid-19? I'm ready for it to be over. I miss them in Connecticut.

So great, but overwhelming to have the rush of memories all at once. Beautiful. Fast. Crazy. Sad. Wonderful. Special. ( cruel...but I so appreciate it all).

Chicken in the crockpot soaking in Wegman's BBQ sauce (Asian and Memphis delight) and Pierogies, fried in butter and a little oil, with coleslaw, and potato salad. Dang. It was just a little good...okay, it was phenomenal. I ate the extra pierogies. Definitely adding them to the Mt. Pleasant dinner rituals. Grew up hearing mom talk about her love for them, and yesterday I felt like I mastered the delicacy. They were so good. Stephanie, age 92 next door and from Poland, will be thrilled to know I'm pierogie-certified, too.

Also had time to visit with the Perras (drank a lil wine), went for a walk with Glamis, and then watched some Cobra Kai on Netflix with mom (didn't realize she had a fetish for Ralph Machio). Sort of odd to see an old 80s craze turned into a tv-series...I get its appeal, but am unsure of the series quality. Time will tell (because I guarantee I've found another thing to serve as a distraction). We watched a couple of episodes and my first thoughts were, "This is sort of stupid."

Yet back to Umbrella Academy... much, much appreciation for Chitunga who shared his account with my mother and me for the evening. I definitely binged. Hilarious to explain what was going on to my mother. Revenge for all those years of Days of Our Lives.

And back to that meal. It was the kind I wanted to rewind and eat all over again...and then over again....and then over again. So good. Now for a rain day (at least that is what the weather people are reporting). 

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