Saturday, September 12, 2020

Thank God It's Saturday, Because I've Finished My Friday's Parental Request. Room Repainted and Cleaned

When I said I was coming to Syracuse, I said I wasn't going to unless the parents units had specific tasks they wanted me to take care of...which was interpreted as, "Why don't you repaint the ceiling in you old bedroom and redo the paint? While you're at it, why don't you get rid of stuff you no longer need."

News flash. Most of what is in that room isn't mine, but I can admit than Cynde found a pile of letters and a couple of photos from college that I didn't know were left behind. That made me smile. 

I was up, coffee'd, then went to town taping, painting, layering, repainting, and then replacing everything back where it was (with a lot of trips to the garbage can, too). There's nothing like repainting a room to see how quickly the ol' ceiling and ol' wall paint has been layered in disgust. 

Another highlight for the day was Day #2 of Corbett and Laurie coming over for drinks and conversation. They are my parents' neighbors and they are getting ready to depart CNY to Georgia for

retirement. They supplied the rum (did you year Michael Wrobel is becoming a nun?) and I provided the limes, juice, and glasses. Needless to say, it's been a two-day celebration which makes the work during the day that much easier.

Cynde said I should have done the ceiling first, but I did it second, and I am thinking that is okay because I was able to use the edger to finish the walls. I've painted many rooms, but none have come out as smooth as this. Of course, I figured I'd be done by 12, but of course I worked until the later afternoon, and we finished after dinner. There's no such thing as an easy project...they always take hours longer than what is expected. 

Even so, I am thrilled it is done. Today, we tackle the drawers, including the boxes and boxes of letters Cynde found from my Binghamton years. I had no ideas those were in that room. I've been staying there during holidays for years and never one saw them. 


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