Wednesday, September 30, 2020

This Post Is Brought to You By Another Hump Day - At This Point, Though, Hump Day, Fridays, Mondays...It All Blurs

Up at 7 a.m. and reading/writing/reporting/creating/ thinking/planning/analyzing/charting and editing until 1 p.m. - then I decided I needed lunch, but also took time to cook dinner on the grill, because I knew I wasn't going to have time in the evening because we were recording another episode of THE WRITE TIME. 

Did the same from 1:45 until 4, before I took Glamis for a long walk. Then, from 6 to 7 pm I conducted the interview before running to Big Y to pick up deodorant for Chitunga (strange that he's 100% independent, but made this request today - sure, anything to contribute to his needs). Then, I came home to read/write/create/think/plan/analyze/chart & edit until 10 p.m., when I decided to catch up on the tomfoolery of the debates (not by watching them, but by reading comments and tuning into comedians --- they have their eyes closest to the ridiculousness of it all...what an absolute disgrace).

Seriously, though. The days blur together and usually this is a space were we high-five one another and say, "We're halfway there, folks." The trouble is, halfway to where? When? Why? Halfway from where, when, and why? We are heading to month 8 of abnormal, and I'm sure many can count many more months before, too...2020 is not like any other year we've ever experienced.

But, mid-week, I can finish a report, almost send POW out for publication, and begin to transition to grant work (although I also need to work on my other publishing goals, too). 

I can say I spent the majority of the day in my new space. It may be a small environment, but with the money I spent, it's the least I can do. I will frequent it as much as possible. So far, it works.

And now, a rain event. That works in my favor, because I won't be tempted to go outside (although Glamis and I were doused yesterday, even though they said the rain would stop in the afternoon. Nope. That's when it actually began!)

Last day of September. GEESH!

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