Friday, September 18, 2020

Sadly, No Julia Roberts Sightings, But Chitunga Did Find a Stray Cat Wandering on the Side of the Road of I-95

Okay, Mystic Pizza. I will take your onion, cheese, chicken, bacon, pizza, and up you one St. Elmo's Fire and a Ferris Bueller's Day Off. As for the cat Tunga saw on the side of the highway (alive), "Happy trails. Be safe."

Truth is, I never ate Mystic Pizza, although I've been to Mystic numerous times. The appeal just wasn't there. 

Still, yesterday with Chitunga's request for a road trip, Mystic being semi-convenient, my forgetfulness for how pathetic the Mystic Aquarium is (that's $70 I will never get back), and a need for mini-celebration for work on Monday, we took off. Initially, we planned an overnight, but he's gung-ho about a golf tournament on Saturday, so we simply made it a day trip. After the disappointment of one white beluga whale (seriously, the Mystic Aquarium is pathetic), we looked up Newport and said, "Why not? It's just another hour down the road."

Our revelation? For absolutely free we got to see a beautiful coastal town, hiked around Fort Adams, viewed beautiful seascapes, and enjoyed fresh air and exercise. We kept laughing that the free hike was 180% better than the money spent at the aquarium. I scrapped that up to the fact that I was donating to a good cause. I mean, fish need food. Eels need sand.

Back to the pizza. I don't remember the movie much, but I can say that the pizza was outstanding. Thumbs up. Both of us approved. Bacon on pizza. Well, dang. 

As for Rhode Island....what a nice blessing to visit. We definitely need to go there once this shit lifts, because there's a lot of potential in Newport. As Chitunga said, "How can so many restaurants exist in one area?" It would be fun to find out, once we don't have to wear masks.

I admit, the mask-wearing, social-distancing sort of ruins everything (for a make-shift get-away). It's too toxic out there to take chances and when in areas of high-mask use, it's simply disturbing in a Psy-Fi kind of way. Buzz kill indeed. Doesn't seem like planet earth.

Still, the day was a success and I'm very glad we went on the adventure. I imagine there will be fewer and fewer opportunities for such bonding, but I cherished every second of yesterday's mini-adventure (except the aquarium. I basically went to my car and sulked, "Why the hell did I pay that much money for that shit hole?"

Of course, the bridge into Newport, especially during construction and one-way travel....that's another cross-your-heart-prayers-up kind of experience. My palms were so sweaty driving that crazy. And I remember crossing it when Nikki performed at the University of Rhode Island. My hands were sweaty while crossing.

Okay, Friday. Bring it on.

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