Thursday, December 3, 2020

Am I The Only One Doing Quarantine Stretches From His Laptop, Underneath the Tables, & During Bathroom Breaks

When I saw the frog stretching his leg out on Twitter yesterday, I instantly thought, "Wait, that's what I've been doing? Did someone take a photo?"

Truth be told, I think the photo is a fake and someone photoshopped the leg, but I do get the premise here. I am kicking, reaching, pushing, lifting, etc. from where I sit, simply because I get sick of sitting. 

And there's only so much exercise in cooking, cleaning, and doing the dishes. I've taken a daily walk, too, but I'm starting to really miss the gym of a year ago, and the time to do something other than run and walk. I sure hope the gyms sustain themselves and there's a revival when this all lifts. 

Of course, I'm not attending LRA this year, but have been invited to a few meetings, and have found myself stretching, pulling, and kicking during these, too (even if I stole a can of Labatt's Blue from my father's downstair's fridge to participate in the shenanigans). 

Okay, Thursday. Rumor is that Syracuse might actually see the sun for the first time in a week and I hope to take advantage of that. It makes all the difference in the world to have an orange and yellow ball n the sky and not all this incessant gray.

Ah, CNY.

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