Sunday, December 27, 2020

They Were Supposed to Open Them Up at the Same Time, but We Still Can Ask, "Which One Wears It Better?"

I picked up a sweater for Chitunga in Syracuse and my mother said, "Hey, That's the sweater I want to give him." I asked, "Didn't you say you were only giving money this year?" and she responded, "Yes, but if I wasn't I'd give Chitunga that sweater. Your father would look good in it, too."

So, Bryan did what he had to do. He picked one up for Butchy-Roo, as well. Mom posted his picture, so today I'm posting that one next to one with Chitunga (we can pretend we are in the same room). 

I did a Cynderballz yesterday, and sitting around writing this morning, I suddenly thought, "You know what? I'm ready for the Christmas stuff to come down." It's the first time I've been able to chill out in my home in like, EVER, and because I'm in calm space, I have time to clean and not resent it. Besides, Chitunga and I wanted to transform the dining room into office space for the Spring semester (funny that I always will think in terms of semesters, but he's a working man now, so maybe it's just the Spring). Anyway, that's done.

And Pam and I did a food swap in the afternoon, just so we wouldn't get sick of our own leftovers. She made the lasagna that I would have had at Cynde's and I brought her brisket, carrots, and creamed potatoes. I was thinking that families should create such swaps on a weekly basis. I've always thought this. Rotate cooking schedules (and workloads). It would be smart.

It's hard to believe that today is Sunday, but it is what it is. It's also hard to believe that it is the Sunday after Christmas, I'm in my own house, and my decorations are all up, and I can move onto January projects a little earlier. I think I know why, now, people like to unwind and relax in their own homes.  I also see that I, like everyone else, have accrued a lot of shit over the years. SO MUCH STUFF. I think it is time for a purge.

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