Saturday, December 12, 2020

Man Cannot Live on Grapes Alone - Okay, My Father Can. Perhaps a Bag a Day. Maybe Even Two If We'll Let Him

One day the man can eat two bowls of goulash swearing it is the best thing he's ever had in his life, and 24 hours later he spits it out and says, "This is terrible. Take it away." I tell him, "But you devoured it yesterday," in which he replies, "I just don't think it tastes very good."

This from a man who found me downstairs while while I was knee deep in tools, wood, and screws to say, "Nobody made me lunch. Why isn't anyone making me lunch?" I figured with Casey and Mom upstairs they had it covered, but Casey ran to the store, so he came searching for me. "Can you make me lunch?" I asked, "Do you want some tomato soup?" in which he replied with nasty faces and gagging noises. I took that as a no. "How about clam chowder?"

That worked. With some toasted Italian Bread (and I learned when Casey returned he wanted a BLT, too). 

Otherwise it's all grapes. Grapes grapes grapes grapes grapes. If he doesn't have them in a palm, he has them in a bowl, or he's standing over the in the kitchen popping them like popcorn. I'm talking a bag of grapes a day. He devours them.

And for dinner this was a traditional CNY Friday fish-fry at the American Legion (pick-up only). I absolutely love it, but then my stomach aches for days. I think it might be the fish that is fried, the onion rings that are fried, and the french fries that are (you guessed it) fried. That's a lot of grease. 

To go with the grapes. And his Pepsis. The Great Whatever replaced Budweiser cans with Pepsi ones. 

The serenity, calm, and joy that comes from his new vice is just enjoyable to watch...and I'm sorry Glamis isn't beside him for the afternoon and evening cuddles, but this time, she was better in CT. Next time, she'll come, indeed.

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