Sunday, December 20, 2020

My Thighs Are On Fire, and I Should Have Known They Would Be (But It's a Good Fire and I Have No Regrets)

Drats. It's supposed to drizzle today and then go up to the 50s this week, wiping away the snow paths I built for the last two days on Milford Beach. I went out for an hour on day one and 1.5 hours on day 2, and I can even say I didn't wipe out while flying down the hill this time (as I did the first time, because I didn't want to fly onto the road where there was no snow). I was glad, too, to see my trails kept and it was much easier to move fast and to even push further. 

When I finished, I said, "Oof. You're going too hurt tomorrow." 

Today, I hurt.

The day started by making Chitunga a huge breakfast as he had more CPA exams, and then I ski'd before receiving a text that the new people in my old home had the pajamas for me. They didn't speak much English, but they were very, very nice. I brought them a gift bag of goodies and thanked them for being honest and good people. I was thrilled to see my mother's birthday gifts in my home. 

At night, I waited for Chitunga who said he wanted sea food, and he found this restaurant called The Blue Goose in Stratford, which was like a set of The Golden Girls. We ate at the bar, and it was excellent. Best clam chowder I ever had, and the crusted sea bass was out of this world. He had stuffed salmon. It was delicious, but my thighs and a full stomach simply wanted to find a pillow and go to bed.

I do know, however, that when the weather gets all wintery in Connecticut, there's a reason to be excited, as my skis will save the day. The air was so clean, the aquatic birds were amazing, and the ocean view simply remarkable. I kept saying to myself, "Who'd of thought one day you'd be cross country skiing at the beach? That's one way to pack CNY with ya."

And, I'm simply relieved that the pajamas showed up. It always seems my life always has to be a complicated conundrum like this, and I guess I'm used to it. You'd think it would simply be easy, but there always has to be some kind of twist in the plot. 

Regardless it all turned out well, and I'm thankful, indeed. 

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